Too Tired To Do Anything Else

Love has found me several times. Each meeting then parting took away a piece of me. After losing you I don’t think there is enough of me left to ever love again. So I am just going to go on loving you even though you are not here. My heart is too tired to do anything else. C.B.

As you get older, the heart shed its leaves like a tree.
You cannot hold out against certain winds.
Each day tears away a few more leaves;
and then there are the storms
that break off several branches at one go.
And while nature’s greenery
grows back again in the spring,
that of the heart never grows back.
Gustave Flaubert

Is Love Hiding

broken20heart11How the hours change things. The night is so different from what is here now in this new day. Last night we were in love and today it seems to have evaporated away. What is real and what is not? Was last night love or illusion? Is love hiding or are we hiding love? JR

rumpled bed

The sound of sunshine shouts,
Across my window sill;
A drum that echoes through,
A world that once was still.

Gone with the morning;
Where did the feeling go?
What was here,
Is here no more;
Leaving only shadows
Of the night before.

Two daytime strangers wake
A long way from the night.
We couldn’t make the journey
From the dark to the light.

Gone with the morning;
What happens I do not know.
The bed is warm
Where we slept.
Sunshine came
And we were swept away,
Leaving us victims
Of the new day.

What was here,
Is here no more.
We are shadows
Of the night before.
I wish I knew
Why love just fades
Away and dies;
Like stars that live by night
And tumble from the skies.
James Browning © 1975

Do You Really

broken20heart11Where things for us go now, I have no idea. You don’t know for sure what you want and are moving out. You say you love me, but those words seem to come from you mind and not your heart. You say you want our committed relationship to continue. Do you really? C.B.


The scariest thing about distance
is that you don’t know whether
they’ll miss you or forget you.
Nicholas Sparks, “The Notebook”

Matter of Unaffected Wonder

broken20heart11Loving you has been one of the most difficult things of my lifetime… and one of the best. In spite of the pain, the love we share has always won out. I only hope that never changes. JB


That you should care at all for me
has been a matter of unaffected wonder
to me from the first hour until now –
and I cannot help the pain I feel sometimes,
in thinking that it would have been better for you
if you never had known me.
Elizabeth Barrett
to Robert Browning
Sept 18, 1845

From Full Color to Black and White

broken20heart11When I thought we were over, my entire life changed from full color to black and white. So much of who and what I am is wrapped around you. Thankfully, we made it through the rough spot and we’re healing now. I love you. T.G.

abusive_relationships_0246017It hurts to breathe.
It hurts to live.
I hate her,
yet I do not think
I can exist without her.
Charlotte Featherstone

Rules of Love

broken20heart11Love has no rhyme or reason. Falling for you is proof. My greatest joy and some of my greatest pain has come from loving you. My heartbreak is becoming joy because we work through the bad stuff. I am grateful our love endures. Y.M.


Rules of love
1. Never kiss when you’re not committed.
2. Never expect, just hope.
3. Never love a taken man/woman.
4. Never fall for a friend.
5. Realize than in love, there aren’t any rules.

I Love You

broken20heart11We’re so different and the dissimilarities have taken their toll. Only time will tell if the differences will win or if love will. Either way, the love we have shared will always be. Nothing can take away the beauty we have shared and the wounds will heal… in time. C.B.


I’m here. I love you.
I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long,
I will stay with you.
There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love.
I will protect you until you die,
and after your death I will still protect you.
Elizabeth Gilbert

Every Broken Piece

broken20heart11No matter what you do or say to me; when you come running back; when you need me again, I’ll be right here waiting for you. I’ll take you back, no questions asked. You’re the big love of my life. I’m yours and don’t give a f… what others think about that. S.A.


It’s amazing how someone can
break your heart
and you still love them
with every broken piece of it.

Be Patient

broken20heart11My heart was broken when I found out what you had been doing. Now slowly it is going back together. I love you and want things to work out. But you must understand that sometimes I cut my self on the unhealed broken edges in my heart. Be patient. H.M.


We are all mistaken sometimes;
sometimes we do wrong things,
things that have bad consequences.
But it does not mean we are evil,
or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward.
Alison Croggon

The Worst Feeling

broken20heart11Loving you has been like getting hurt from falling,, although you can’t see the damage. Outwardly there is no proof you wounded me, but I’ll always know what you did. I love you. I forgive you. But I’ll always wish you had not done what you did. Y.K.W.


No one can promise they’ll never hurt you
because at one time or another, it will happen.
The real promise is if the time you spend together
will be worth the pain in the end.
The worst feeling in the world is
knowing you’ve been used and lied to.